Thursday, December 07, 2006

Nacho, The Comedy Hero

"Nacho Libre" is a story about Ignacio. He is a chef in a monastery who wants to be a professional wrestler. But, in religious community like monastery, being a wrestler is kind of sin. So, he turned into a Lucha Libre wrestler secretly, under the name "Nacho". He tried to win the competition to get the prize, $200 for the kids in monastery.

I think anyone will like this movie if they has a good understanding of, and respect for, the acting style of Jack Black. Hilarious! Otherwise, it's kinda boring.

This movie is highly recommended for those who wants to killing time in fun way. Because, this comedy is fully-packed with "high explosive" jokes that can keep you laugh until the end of the film, and laugh again when you reminisce the scenes.



Nowadays, almost in every country there is a law that controlled the age to retire for employees. In Indonesia, the most common retired age is 60 or 65. So, the employees have to retire when they reached the age limit that have been determined by the company. In my own opinion, employee shouldn't forced to retire at specific ages, like 60 or 65 that have been stated above. It is because some of them are still productive or still needed by the company.

Firstly, there are severeal kind of workers. The "so-so", the "below average", and the "work hard". For the "so-so" and the "below average", it is alright if they have to retire at a particular age because they didn't perform great job. But if the retired-age-law applied to the company, so the whole employees have to worked just until specific ages. If they do this, unfortunately, the "work hard" type will also retire. Whereas, they are still work productively and still needed by the company.

Considering the case above, I absolutely agree if people should be allowed to continue to work for as long as they want to, and not to be forced to retire at a particular age such as 60 or 65.

Good, but you need to elaborate more 'why should be allowed to continue to work for as long as they want to'. Giving real example would be better.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Evaluate workers

In our opinion “one on one” interview is the best solution to evaluate workers because it evaluates the workers personally. This system also brings many functions which made advantages to our company. These functions are:
1. To give job standard to our workers. So the workers are able to understand how that job must be done, at least they did it based on the job standard.
2. To explain the objective of their job. So the results are matched with the company’s desire.
3. Last to encourage workers to be more motivated and participated. Personal communications made someone open minded and become hard workers.
In the other hand, the disadvantage is a long time which spent to do this system. Compare with more advantages made this system good to be used.
In “one on one” interview, there is thing to be focused, such as the use of a long time which is the disadvantage for this system. It can be anticipated by doing evaluation six months until eight months once. So there won’t be wasting time. [ I do not understand your points]
Furthermore, “one on one” interview can also bring side effects to everyone who did it. The side effect is made the bosses (anyone who did this evaluate) review their leadership skills by listening worker’s arguments. The other effect is made the workers feel concerned. Good communications solve all the problems. And “one on one” is the real examples of good communications to evaluate workers.