Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Nacho... Nacho... Nacho...

Nacho Libre is a film about Ignacio, who work as a chef in monastery and have a dream to be a professional wrestler. As a monastery chef he must provide a good food for the orphans, but it was hard to him to do it. Someday he saw a poster about Wresling Tournament that give a big price for the winner. After he won some fight, some of the money that he get he used to buy good food for the 0rphants.To pursue his dream he join the tournament as Lucha Libre, after many fights. Nacho win and popularize “The Flying Eagle” as the special move.
Comment : I think it’s a good movie, its really funny. Then the film tell us to pursue our dream until we reach it. Someone we love can push us to be more stronger.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Nacho, The Comedy Hero

"Nacho Libre" is a story about Ignacio. He is a chef in a monastery who wants to be a professional wrestler. But, in religious community like monastery, being a wrestler is kind of sin. So, he turned into a Lucha Libre wrestler secretly, under the name "Nacho". He tried to win the competition to get the prize, $200 for the kids in monastery.

I think anyone will like this movie if they has a good understanding of, and respect for, the acting style of Jack Black. Hilarious! Otherwise, it's kinda boring.

This movie is highly recommended for those who wants to killing time in fun way. Because, this comedy is fully-packed with "high explosive" jokes that can keep you laugh until the end of the film, and laugh again when you reminisce the scenes.



Nowadays, almost in every country there is a law that controlled the age to retire for employees. In Indonesia, the most common retired age is 60 or 65. So, the employees have to retire when they reached the age limit that have been determined by the company. In my own opinion, employee shouldn't forced to retire at specific ages, like 60 or 65 that have been stated above. It is because some of them are still productive or still needed by the company.

Firstly, there are severeal kind of workers. The "so-so", the "below average", and the "work hard". For the "so-so" and the "below average", it is alright if they have to retire at a particular age because they didn't perform great job. But if the retired-age-law applied to the company, so the whole employees have to worked just until specific ages. If they do this, unfortunately, the "work hard" type will also retire. Whereas, they are still work productively and still needed by the company.

Considering the case above, I absolutely agree if people should be allowed to continue to work for as long as they want to, and not to be forced to retire at a particular age such as 60 or 65.

Good, but you need to elaborate more 'why should be allowed to continue to work for as long as they want to'. Giving real example would be better.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Evaluate workers

In our opinion “one on one” interview is the best solution to evaluate workers because it evaluates the workers personally. This system also brings many functions which made advantages to our company. These functions are:
1. To give job standard to our workers. So the workers are able to understand how that job must be done, at least they did it based on the job standard.
2. To explain the objective of their job. So the results are matched with the company’s desire.
3. Last to encourage workers to be more motivated and participated. Personal communications made someone open minded and become hard workers.
In the other hand, the disadvantage is a long time which spent to do this system. Compare with more advantages made this system good to be used.
In “one on one” interview, there is thing to be focused, such as the use of a long time which is the disadvantage for this system. It can be anticipated by doing evaluation six months until eight months once. So there won’t be wasting time. [ I do not understand your points]
Furthermore, “one on one” interview can also bring side effects to everyone who did it. The side effect is made the bosses (anyone who did this evaluate) review their leadership skills by listening worker’s arguments. The other effect is made the workers feel concerned. Good communications solve all the problems. And “one on one” is the real examples of good communications to evaluate workers.


Thursday, November 30, 2006

How business can help education system

Business is the way to predict something, whether it’s bad or good things. It contribution to education system is to give a perspective thinking to predict future. Nowadays we live in unpredictable world. Sometimes good sometimes bad is the usual condition. So we need skills to survive from this condition. The skills should be learned in our education system.
Today our education system only based on theoretical. It is not wrong if we depend on it. But students also need practical from educational system. Business is the answer for those matters. Containing practical things such as field work, ethics make educational system better than before.

I agree with you, but what can business do to help?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


“Nacho Libre”

Story begins with living in a monastery. This story tells about a monk whose name is Ignacio. Having dreams since child make him happy to fight with others boy. Although his body’s overweight, he doesn’t care about it. Confidence always belongs to him. Feeling not fat make him move fast like the other thin boy.
Cooking is his task in the monastery. Every morning he has to wake up early to make breakfast for the orphans. Despite having not enough cooking skill, he remains to cook. The other tasks are make the orphans close with God.
One day, he had to go to buy some food. In the way, he met the wrestler champion who had a luxurious car and a lot of money. Looking him make Ignacio want to fulfill what his dream is.
After struggling with his hearth, he decides to be a wrestler. Then he makes his costume and mask.
In every match that he played, he always lost. But he also got money. Ignacio doesn’t happy with this condition, he wants to win. In the other hand the wrestler champion make a tournament for challenge his trophy. Ignacio joins the tournament, and get the second rank.
Fortunately, the first rank got accident and the second rank must represent it. So
Ignacio get a chance.
This game becomes Ignacio’s first winner and the first trophy that he got. Ignacio’s other dream is to buy the bus for the orphans. Now with the prizes money, he can afford to buy it.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

InsiDE Retirement. . .

Inside Retirement

Nowadays there are many people retired at age below 50. In some companies they force their old workers to be retired. The companies still have control about their worker’s future. I believe that old people have a lot of experiences, be an unchangeable person in a company, holding the key positions. So it is a waste thing to force them retired without their will.
First, experience is something that can not be obtained in a short time. People usually think when you are smart you can success in your job. But it is wrong perceptions. The major skill in doing business is to have a lot of experiences. With experience you can easily do the job and save your time a lot. The ones who have a lot of experiences are the old workers. The old workers mean people who work in accompany for a long time.
Second, the old workers can be an unchangeable person in a company. It is a general condition when old workers have certain role which can not be replaced by the other. Retired them cause vital problems. Example, usually there is someone who leads the others workers. After retired, there isn’t anyone does it again. Think about it again so the company’s workers won’t do their job efficiency again. The company must consider simple problems which occur now could be more complicated problems.
Last the old workers also hold the key positions. Such as CEO, etc. Generally that positions placed by the old workers. Their attitude can be the company icon. To create a good personal is not as easy as we imagine. Process of development needed which spend many times. Old age likes ripe fruits. The older, the better someone become
However, in many companies have different way of thinking. It is suggested to rethink what ever their policies about old workers. The effect in the future must be thought carefully.
In conclusion, the old workers must not be forced to be retired. Everyone has human rights which can do whatever they want, so do the old workers. They are free to decide their pension age without company instructions.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Email From Heather

Hello! I was able to enter the blog and you're right, it is fantastic! I love that the students reflected and commented on the experience. Great! I would love to make some comments but it seems you have to have a password to do so. So, in any case, please let the students know I read their comments and was impressed by them. Here are some comments:
Yes, you have to memorize idioms because they have no relation to their literal meaning usually. Yes, it would be nice if it were easier to open a business in Indonesia, and it would be interesting to know the success rate of businesses here. The second case study we read, about trying to hire a CEO for a business, was a little too complicated to understand, unfortunately. The dilemma is whether the hiring company should try to please the company president or if they should hire the best person for the job, regardless of if that person will agree with the company president. The underlying cultural value at play here is that of personal integrity; that one should hire the best person for the job without any consideration of personal feelings. The solution suggested by the class was to hire a person that was both very good and would make the president happy. Although probably not very likely, this solution would be the best.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

tuesday workshop

Summary of Tusday Workshop

A. Summary

To start business in America is easy, it only take 15 minutes. The reason why there is so easy is the government supports all the citizens work. But the rate of succeed is about one fourth. It means when you open business and run it.
The other important things is idioms in American business, if we don’t understand the idioms we will get confused. The American often use the idoms, so we need to understand them.
When we running business we will face social problem so this is the steps to solve problems :
1. Analyze the problem
2. List the solutions
3. Pros and cons the solutions
4. Choose the best solutions

B. Reactions

I think the workshop about American Business yesterday was important to use especially to us who want to make business with american. We can know they behavior,they culture that can help us to do business with them

C. The most important things

I think the most important thing is the “Business Idioms”, because before this workshop I don’t understand the meaning of the idioms. Now, I understand what the meaning of the idioms and how to use them.

D. Things I don’t understand

The thing that I don’t understand is the steps that we must do to solve the problem. I think I must ask my friend about them.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Summary ------- Franky


Last meeting on Tuesday talked about “business in America”. We can divide it into three main topics. First topic is about opening business in America. It’s easy to open business in America. The registration is very simple. It only takes about fifteen minutes. The reason why there is so easy is the government supports all the citizens work. But the rate of succeed is about one fourth. It means when you open business and run it. Then you were succeeded, in the other hand there are three others people failed at the same time.
Second, the lessons also teach us about American business idioms. Every idioms, which they talked means something. It will be very important to know it. If we don’t know, we’ll get confused when they talked. I think we’ll get admired if we know what they say.
Third, when we go through into the real life we’ll face many social problems. Problem solving must be one of skills owned by us. Here are the steps to solve problems.
1. Analyze the problem
2. List the solutions
3. Pros and cons the solutions
4. Choose the best solutions
With that steps, we an easily solve the problems. Beside that the most important is the experience. More experience we got, wiser we become. It is a waste thing if you are smart without experience. You will get easily top get lied by someone.

The most important things

From that lesson I think we have to be careful when we do something. You must think twice to take further actions. Now we must arrange strategy. Good strategy will bring you to good results.
Every culture has different way of thinking. The one who can easily adapt the others culture gets a lot of benefits. In the future we will do a business with foreign people. So we must care their feelings with knowing their culture.

Don’t understand

The thing that I don’t understand is why our government not giving the equal chance likes the US government.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Have the days of fasting been passed
Through self-introspection shall mistakes being revealed.
Determine the soul with strength and solemn;
A clean soul and mind will then discover the glorious treasure of triumph.
With deepest spirit of apology, my request for forgiveness shall follow
Happy Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1427H


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My comments

From the text we can take a conclusion that Indonesian migrants aren’t taken care. There are many problems that they face. At least there are two things must be changed. First, the government should tighten the law. Today almost half from the total amount Indonesian migrant are illegal. When the accident happens, the government doesn’t have authorization to protect them. The migrant thinks that illegal way is easier and cheaper. The government must educate them to do base on the right way. With education, government can give explanation about the rules and the consequences.
Second, the service must be increased. It means that government should pay attention after and before the migrants work. When the migrants come back to the airport, there are group of people that persuaded them to exchange their money with certain money changers. Those money changers surely give them with the low rates. If it happens continuously, the migrant will be loss a lot of money.
So there are the points that government should concentrate to increase the migrants’ prosperity.


Test your personality

Click here (just for fun)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


My hometown is Jakarta, i really like to live in jakarta because jakarta is a comfortable city for me to live. The first reason is because in Jakarta i can meet my family, grandparents, my parents, my brother and my sister too. They can make me comfortable and they can help me to solve my problem also. like someday i have problem about something very personal and i share it with my brother, his give me some advice. Sometimes the advice is not acceptable for me, but when i share my problem with him, it make me easier to face the problem.
the next reason is in Jakarta i have many friend because mostly i spent my life in jakarta from i was child. I have many friend in school who help me to study and do the assignment, a special friends who i can share all my problem if i can't tell it to my family, and ofcourse my friend in my band who always play music with me. This things make really comfortable to live in Jakarta even i have to have many problems.

Click here to see a good example

Monday, October 02, 2006


Read the text and write comments or reactions (in 2 or 3 paragraphs)

Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia

Malaysia relies upon migrant workers from Indonesia, Bangladesh, the Philippines, India, and Vietnam to meet labor demands. Indonesians are the largest group of foreign workers (83 percent) and have a long history of working in Malaysia. They fill sectoral labor shortages created by Malaysia’s economic policies: seeking to reduce economic disparities between the Malay and ethnic Chinese populations, Malaysia instituted its “New Economic Policy” in 1971 which aggressively pursued export-oriented industrialization and public sector expansion. The policies resulted in urban job growth and a mass migration of rural Malaysians to the cities. Industrial growth also led to an increase in demand for labor in manufacturing and construction that could not be met by the domestic workforce. By the early 1980s, the scarcity of labor in the agricultural sector and the heightened demand for domestic workers among an expanding middle class catalyzed a surge of migrant workers.

According to Indonesian government records, approximately 480,000 Indonesians migrated in 2002 for overseas work. Migrants to Malaysia find jobs in domestic work (23 percent), manufacturing (36 percent), agriculture (26 percent), and construction (8 percent). Two million Indonesians may currently be working in Malaysia, but the exact number is difficult to verify as more than half may be undocumented workers without valid work permits or visas.

Indonesians in Malaysia make up the largest irregular migration flow in Asia and globally are second only to Mexicans entering the United States. During an amnesty that regularized the immigration status of undocumented workers in 1992, fifty thousand undocumented workers came forward. In 1997, 1.4 million Indonesians residing in Malaysia voted in the Indonesian elections, causing Malaysia’s Immigration Department to estimate that 1.9 million Indonesians lived in Malaysia at the time. Many migrants choose to enter Malaysia through unofficial routes since migrating through licensed labor agencies can result in long delays and requires cumbersome bureaucratic procedures, while unofficial arrangements can take just days. However, there is greater risk of corruption and abuse with the unlicensed labor agents, and less protection if workers face problems with their employers or government authorities.

Over time, the Malaysian government has alternated between tightening immigration policies, causing mass outflows of foreign workers, and loosening them through development of bilateral agreements and amnesties. A number of measures taken by Malaysia over the past few decades, including the Medan Agreement of 1984, which introduced regulations for recruiting Indonesian domestic workers and plantation workers, a November 1991-June 1992 amnesty for undocumented workers, and a 2002 amendment to the Immigration Act that established harsh punishments for immigration violations, have all failed to stem illegal migration or to protect the rights of migrants seeking work in households, manufacturing, construction, and plantations.

Malaysia has made it a criminal offense for migrant workers to be present in Malaysia without a work permit or visa and has taken increasingly punitive measures, including caning, to deter and penalize such workers. The local Malaysian population often blames both petty and violent crime on foreign workers. According to SUHAKAM, Malaysia’s human rights commission, in January 2003, only three hundred out of 1,485 women in Kajang Women’s Prison were Malaysian. The rest were foreign women, including migrant workers and trafficking victims. The routine arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented workers, regardless of the reasons for their undocumented status, means that migrant workers in abusive situations are less likely to attempt to escape, as they fear being caught by immigration authorities.


Makassar is my lovely hometown

Makassar is my hometown, I was born and grow up in there.Makassar is capital of South Sulawesi,and it also the trade center in Sulawesi because of it strategical position.Makassar has many kind of cultures,customs,languages,and races.That what makes Makassar be one of beautiful city in Indonesia.

Beginning in the sixteenth century, Makassar was the dominant trading/pao center of eastern Indonesia, and soon became one of the largest cities in island Southeast Asia. The Makassarese kings maintained a strict policy of free trade, insisting on the right of any visitor to do business in the city, and rejecting the attempts of the Dutch to establish a monopoly over the city. Further, tolerant religious attitudes meant that even as Islam became the dominant faith in the region, Christians and others were still able to trade in the city. With these attractions, Makassar was a key center for Malays working in the Spice Islands trade, as well as a valuable base for EuropeanArab traders from much further afield. The importance of Makassar declined as the Dutch became more powerful in the region, and were better able to enforce the monopoly over the spice trade that they desired. In 1667 the Dutch, allied with the Bugis prince Arung Palakka, invaded and captured Makassar, eliminating its role as an independent trading center.

Now,Makassar became a modern city,i hope my hometown will be more peace and beautiful than today,and be the best place in tho world.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Bandung is my hometown. This City is located in West Java,Indonesia. Bandung also is the capital city of West Java.
Bandung is one of the city that located in highlands. It's surrounded by several mountains such as, Tangkuban Parahu mt. on the north side and Geulis mt. on the south side. This condition makes this city has a cool and comfortable weather
Bandung also has good education facilities. There are some of the best university in Indonesia is located at Bandung. Such as My institute now, ITB located at Ganesha street no 10, and UNPAD that located in 2 different places. One at Dipati ukur street and the other one is located at Jatinangor.
Now, Bandung has a lot of interesting places to see. Such as Cafe, Factory Outlet, and Natural recreation places. One of it is Djuanda Botanical Garden. The Djuanda Botanical Garden consist of Forest area that cover from dago pakar to Maribaya,Lembang. Not only the forest area but also 2 historical Cave. People usually called this cave as "Gua Jepang" and "Gua Belanda". These were made in the Colonialism era.
Beside three story about Bandung above, Bandung well known too as "The Musician City". Espescially indie music. The S.I.G.I.T, Homogenic, Pure Saturday, KOIL, Burgerkill and Mocca are some of it. They were born from the local Gigs / music event that was held by young people in Bandung, like example Bandung Berisik, Les Voila, Dago Festival, etc. Nowadays their popularity has extended to other city,such as Jakarta,Jogjakarta and Surabaya.
These are some short story about Bandung and that's why I like Bandung very much.


Friday, September 29, 2006

My Makassar

Formerly Makassar known as UjungPandang, but since 2000 UjungPandang changed become Makassar, where this name known and added in negarakertagama poems, prapanca's arrangement. Beside that formerly Makassar as a big trader centre and a big anchorage in east Indonesia, so is that why Makassar become the south celebes capitol that located front of makassar straits.

Makassar city is a cosmopolis city, because there are so many kinds of ethnic, bugis, button, batak, jawa, and almost tionghoa and etc. However the day life go on with peace and understanding to another, because they are become makassar peoples.

As a city that contiguous with makassar straits, Makassar have a lot of tourism place, like losari beach that located in west Makassar side, this beach is most beautiful place to enjoy the sunset in the evening, formerly losari beach added in record book or guinnes book's as longest seafood centre or longest dinning table in the world. Beside losari beach Fort Rotterdam is also the most tourism place where we can find so many foreign tourist and local tourist. On this place there are a museum where we can find very much relic from the ancient time, and then on the top this fortres we can enjoy the beautiful view of losari beach.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Bandung is my beautiful home town. There are many things that can attract you when you go to Bandung. Such as many restaurant in North Bandung which provide good view. Not only good view , but also the cleanliness. [give real example of the restaurant, and the cleaness] Today almost in Bandung’s road is ‘nt found any rubbish. Because the government has a new program that rubbish must be put out on its place. And to separate them into different categories, like organic, non organic, plastics. [ this will not attract me at all, you should write something else, this is irrelevant]
In the past , Bandung was called the city of flower. Imajine that a city which called like that , it must be really beatiful city. Now Bandung has changed but the plants, the flowers, the spirits never change untill now..[ this does not make me visit Bandung]
Come n Visit Bandung…


Jakarta, The Neverending Excitement

Jakarta, formerly known as Batavia back in colonial-era, is perhaps the busiest city in Indonesia. That's because Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia, all the governmental-things and big business happened there. Eventhough some people said that Jakarta ain't [spoken language] the place for live but the place to make a living, I do enjoy live there. There is some reasons for me to loved Jakarta.

First one is the people. Jakarta is like a one big melting-pod. You can meet different type of people in Jakarta from various race [plural??]. The Betawi, the native, are humorous kind of people. The chinese one that you can find on North side of Jakarta, are great in business. They are also kind with anyone. There is also The Indian, The Batakese, The Javanese, and others that have their own personality. The diversity, that's why I love Jakarta.

Another reason is the infrastructure. As the capital city, Jakarta has it all. From multi-storey skyscraper buildings, huge shopping arcades, old museums, to Jakarta's own busway called Transjakarta. So, everything that we need is provided by the city.

The last thing that I loved about Jakarta is the festivals. Jakarta has many festivals, such as Jakarta Fair during July to celebrate Jakarta's birthday. Or perhaps, [spoken language]the regional festivals like Kemang Festival, Tebet Festival, and many others. For moviegoers, Jakarta also has its own annual movie festival called Jiffest (Jakarta International Film Festival) every November/December. That's not all, since 2005 Jakarta conducted an International Jazz music festival, The Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival that featured local talents and also international musicians.

Now you know why I really love my hometown. Because Jakarta has the neverending-excitement. Come and enjoy Jakarta!

Very organized writing. Thanks

Monday, September 25, 2006

HOME TOWN (Task 2)

Please read carefully the input from me about paragraph, click here.
Write a paragraph, two or three paragraphs about your home town, click here to see a model.

Good luck.


My lovely students,

After reading your work I would like you to read the explanation below;

The paragraph.

The purpose of this handout is to give some basic instruction and advice regarding the creation of understandable and coherent paragraphs.

What is a paragraph?

A paragraph is a collection of related sentences dealing with a single topic. To be as effective as possible, a paragraph should contain each of the following: Unity, Coherence, A Topic Sentence, and Adequate Development. As you will see, all of these traits overlap. Using and adapting them to your individual purposes will help you construct effective paragraphs.

1. Unity:

The entire paragraph should concern itself with a single focus. If it begins with a one focus or major point of discussion, it should not end with another or wander within different ideas.

2. Coherence:

Coherence is the trait that makes the paragraph easily understandable to a reader. You can help create coherence in your paragraphs by creating logical bridges and verbal bridges.

I like this class

I like this class for three reasons. The first reason is that the teacher is friendly. I think this reason is the most important because if the teacher friendly that can make us more interested on study. In addition, if the teacher friendly between students and teacher we can have a good communication.

The second reason is that there are very few people in this class. Therefore the teacher can spend more time on students who have problems and also can take care of everyone.

The last one is that this class only focuses on writing and grammar so I believe that I can improve my weakness in writing and grammar.

For these four reasons I think I will enjoy in this class.

logical bridges:

* The same idea of a topic is carried over from sentence to sentence
* Successive sentences can be constructed in parallel form

verbal bridges:

* Key words can be repeated in several sentences
* Synonymous words can be repeated in several sentences
* Pronouns can refer to nouns in previous sentences
* Transition words can be used to link ideas from different sentences

3. A topic sentence:

A topic sentence is a sentence that indicates in a general way what idea or thesis the paragraph is going to deal with. Although not all paragraphs have clear-cut topic sentences, and despite the fact that topic sentences can occur anywhere in the paragraph (as the first sentence, the last sentence, or somewhere in the middle), an easy way to make sure your reader understands the topic of the paragraph is to put your topic sentence near the beginning of the paragraph. (This is a good general rule for less experienced writers, although it is not the only way to do it).

4. Adequate development

The topic (which is introduced by the topic sentence) should be discussed fully and adequately. Again, this varies from paragraph to paragraph, depending on the author's purpose, but writers should beware of paragraphs that only have two or three sentences. It's a pretty good bet that the paragraph is not fully developed if it is that short.

Some methods to make sure your paragraph is well-developed:

* Use examples and illustrations
* Cite data (facts, statistics, evidence, details, and others)
* Examine testimony (what other people say such as quotes and paraphrases)
* Use an anecdote or story
* Define terms in the paragraph
* Compare and contrast
* Evaluate causes and reasons
* Examine effects and consequences
* Analyse the topic
* Describe the topic
* Offer a chronology of an event (time segments)

Paragraphs are units of thought with one idea developed adequately. Listed here are some rules of thumb to use when paragraphing. As your writing improves, you'll be able to break these "rules" to meet your own needs. Until then, these suggestions can be helpful:

* Put only one main idea per paragraph.
* Aim for three to five or more sentences per paragraph.
* Include on each page about two handwritten or three typed paragraphs.
* Make your paragraphs proportional to your paper. Since paragraphs do less work in short papers, have short paragraphs for short papers and longer paragraphs for longer papers.
* If you have a few very short paragraphs, think about whether they are really parts of a larger paragraph--and can be combined--or whether you can add details to support each point and thus make each into a more fully developed paragraph.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

the reason

if i return to time when i choose SBM, it's quite confusing. Because it's just a simple answer. I just want to have a college that can improve my knowledge in management and business and also it's not far from my area now. i looked to this point of view and i think SBM ITB is the best choise for me. Beside that, I try to search some testimonials from my friends about some of the college in Bandung, and the result make me feel more sure. SBM ITB is the best choise for me.

'i' is always in captital letter.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


The reason why I choose SBM is my brother’s recommendation. A lot of advices are told to me. At least there are two things that attract me. First thing is about the period of time study. At SBM we study only about three years, othes faculties are about four years study. I think if we graduated faster, we would have more time to work or learn something new outside the lecture. Second thing is about the materials. SBM’s materials adapt with Indonesia culture. So in the future we won’t feel strange , as we go to society.

Your writing is using a lot of spoken expression.


SBM is the best bussines school in Indonesia so i choose SBM as a place to study.SBM have good facility that support me to study. SBM have a good building, the building is complete with the auditorium, tutorial room, library, and student lounge. Of course SBM have good lecturer with S2 and S3 graduated. Many SBM program teach us from experience learning like, bussines games, excursion, IBE. Beside bussines lecture, SBM give us interesting program like performance skill, this program teach us how to behave in front of our bussines partner. The lecturer teach us from playing drama, acting. From all the advantage of the SBM, i'm sure SBM is the best school to study if you want a be a succesful person.

Your grammar please!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


This is our blog for posting your writing.